Actionmart help

Hello friends!

Glad you all are playing Actionmart at the Awesomemart: Starring Action Matt. Just a quick update to those of you having trouble figuring out how to turn the lights back on and survive. I didn't want to do a game update during the voting period, so hopefully I'm catching you with this post. If not... tell your friends.

I did my best to base the Awesomemart Super Store off of a real Target Super Store, so on the right side of the store there's where burgers spawn (There would've been more food types, but I was bug fixing until the 11th hour).

In the far back of the store is the electronics section, where the emergency generators are. There's a giant Awesomemart sign in the back, that's next to impossible to see when the lights are out, and because of muscle memory, I just pasted the instructions to say "By the sign". Which chances are you didn't see.

And in the front left of the store, is where you refill your ammo. Unfortunately because Action Matt decided to go in to the Awesomemart without a backpack, he doesn't have enough room to carry ammo, so you have to keep refilling when the gun is completely empty.

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